Easy Zoodles with Giant Cannellini Beans

This meal wasn’t planned. It was one of those last-minute grab-what-you-have-in-the-pantry-and-fridge type of meals that you need done in less than 20 minutes because work. But sometimes these turn out to be the best and end up on your rotating quick lunches and easy dinners list. I’ll definitely be making this again because it was delicious AND the best part is, it took only 10 minutes max, no joke.


This recipe features a can of Trader Joe’s Giant Cannellini Beans in Tomato Sauce (with Mediterranean Herbs and Spices). These beans are so meaty and the sauce has a slight sweetness to it which adds a burst of flavor to a neutral vegetable like zucchini. I’d even add these beans to scrambled eggs and regular pasta. But first try this with zoodles, you’ll love.



  • 2 zucchinis (1 each of yellow and green)

  • 1 garlic clove, rough chop

  • 1 shallot, rough chop

  • 1 can Trader Joe’s Giant Beans in Tomato Sauce

  • 1 tbsp ghee

  • Parmesan cheese

  • basil


  1. Heat the ghee in a medium-sized sauté pan over medium heat.

  2. Spiralize the zucchini and set aside.

  3. Sauté the garlic and shallot until soft and translucent. Then add the zucchini pasta to the pan and let sauté for a couple minutes.

  4. Add the entire can of TJ’s Giant Beans and mix until the zucchini is well coated. Let warm up for a minute or two.

  5. Plate your zoodles and garnish with parmesan and basil.

  6. Eat and enjoy