Creamy Purple Potato, Parsnip & Broccoli Soup

Creamy Purple Potato, Parsnip and Broccoli Soup

As soon as the temp drops I naturally begin to crave warm meals like vegetable-packed soups and hearty stews. This week has been soup city in my kitchen and I’ve thoroughly enjoyed experimenting with fun ingredients for some winter soup recipes. I like to make enough soup for four meals, two for the following days and the rest of which I store in the freezer for later use.

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If you’re a fan of potato and leek soup you’re going to love this creamy rendition with parsnip and broccoli. What’s more, this soup doesn’t have any cream in it (seriously!). The purple potatoes are what give this soup its natural creaminess, not to mention they’re packed with antioxidants and disease-fighting phytonutrients that work together to reduce inflammation.

Instead of onions, I opted for shallots, which have a sweet, almost garlicky flavor that’s a bit milder than a white or yellow onion. If you have leeks on hand those would be great to add in as well. Parsnips, which resemble carrots in taste and texture, add a rich and sweet earthiness and vitamin-packed broccoli gives this soup its pretty green color.

For some added creaminess, swirl a dollop of Greek yogurt into your soup once plated. Enjoy!


-       2 tbsp ghee

-       3 shallots

-       2 cloves garlic

-       2 celery stalks

-       4 purple potatoes

-       4 parsnips

-       1 head broccoli

-       4 cups vegetable stock or bone broth

-       1 green onion

-       sea salt and black pepper

-       Greek yogurt


1.    Chop the shallots, garlic, celery, potatoes, parsnips and broccoli.

2.    Heat the ghee in a large non-stick pot and sauté the shallots and garlic until fragrant, about 5 minutes.

3.    Add in the celery, potatoes and parsnips and season generously with salt and pepper. Let cook for another 5 minutes.

4.    Pour in the stock or broth and bring to a boil. Then lower the heat and simmer for about 15 minutes or until the potatoes and parsnips are tender.

5.    Add in the broccoli and cook for another 5-8 minutes or until the broccoli is just cooked.

6.    Using a blender, puree the soup until smooth.

7.    To plate, pour the soup into a bowl and mix in about a tablespoon of Greek yogurt for some extra creaminess. Season with some cracked black pepper and garnish with green onion.  


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