Creamy Dill Sauce Over Baked Salmon

Salmon with Dill Sauce on a plate

I’ve been dreaming of Swedish summers spent out on the baltic sea, strolling the narrow cobblestone streets of Stockholm, basking in the sun, eating dill stewed potatoes and fresh fish. It’s this time of year that I get the itch to go back to the mother land, where I was born and grew up spending my summers since I can remember. 

I have fond memories of picking wild blueberries down the long path leading to the water on our property, spending many late nights sweating in our hot sauna then frenetically jumping into the frigid sea and back again, dancing merrily around the midsummer pole with close friends and family, taking boat trips to the island Sandham and shopping all the latest European trends. 

It’s as much a culinary treat as it is a cultural one. THE FOOD! Their produce has so much more flavor than the American counterpart. Their breads are richer, sweeter and I wouldn’t be surprised if they are healthier. Egg yokes are deep golden-orange and butter actually tastes like butter. And then we get to the traditional Swedish meals — meatballs with lingonberries, open-faced sandwiches especially toast Skagen (a shrimp sandwich), cardamom rolls, and salmon prepared every way you can imagine. 

This dish reminds me of summers in Sweden. I’ve always loved salmon, but when it’s cooked with dill it brings me back to those treasured Swedish summers. It saddens me that I may not be able to go back this summer, but I have many wonderful memories to reminisce and lots of salmon dishes to dish. 

This particular version is dairy free, using ghee instead of butter and coconut cream in place of heavy cream or creme fraiché. Just as delicious, creamy and satisfying as the original. Enjoy or as one would say in Swedish “smaklig måltid”!



2 wild salmon filets

1 tbsp ghee


1 shallot, finely diced

Handful fresh dill, rough chopped

1-2 tbsp capers

1/2 cup white wine

1 tbsp coconut cream

Sea salt and black pepper


  1. Heat oven to 375 degrees F

  2. Rinse salmon and oat dry. Place in a baking dish.

  3. Season with sea salt and pepper, squeeze fresh lemon, and top each filet with a couple slathers of ghee and fresh dill.

  4. To make the sauce, combine 1 T ghee with diced shallots and sauté until fragrant, a few minutes. Add capers, chopped dill, white wine. Let the wine cook down for a minute or two then add the coconut milk. 

  5. Cook for an additional minute or two.

  6. Season with salt and pepper to taste.

  7. Pour half the sauce over the salmon and save the rest.

  8. Bake in the oven for 12-15 min. 

  9. Serve with sautéed greens and enjoy!


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