Crisp Green Salad with “Buttermilk” Dressing


This might seem like the simplest of salads but the dressing is what makes this an instant favorite. With so much flavor and a dreamy consistency, this dressing will convert even your toughest salad critic. In place of buttermilk, this recipe uses goats milk kefir which is easier on the stomach. Kefir also contains probiotics, gut-healthy bacteria that we need to support our brain, mood, immune system and digestion. 

There’s nothing else to say but try it yourself!


(serves 2)

3 cups butter lettuce 

2 cups baby romaine 

Optional Toppings: avocado, cherry tomatoes, cucumber

For the dressing:

1/2 cup goats milk kefir (I used Trader Joes brand; if you can’t find kefir, swap with whole-milk plain greek yogurt)

1/4 cup vegan mayo

1/2 shallot, minced

1 tsp tarragon mustard (or dijon mustard)

1 garlic clove, crushed

Zest and juice from 1/2 lemon

Sea salt

Black pepper


  1. Place lettuce in a platter or bowl and toss. 

  2. Add all dressing ingredients in a small bowl and whisk until well combined. 

  3. Pour dressing over salad. Save leftover dressing in the fridge for a couple days. 

  4. Add avocado or any of your favorite toppings or just eat plain and simple with lettuce. Enjoy!


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