Curry Turkey Burgers with Cilantro-Lime-Curry Yogurt


Ever get that burger and fry craving but don’t want to feel overly-stuffed and sluggish afterwards? I’ve got you covered! This healthy turkey burger wrapped in kale is so juicy and delicious, I promise you won’t miss the bun. The patty itself is super flavorful and moist thanks to a mix of pungent spices like curry and cumin as well as dijon mustard, garlic, sautéed onion, and fresh cilantro and jalapeno. 

I could seriously eat the turkey burger on it’s own or with some melted cheese and ketchup, but I’m taking this to a whole other level with a super addicting cilantro-lime curry sauce which could easily become your new go-to dip/sauce for anything and everything (tortilla chips, eggs, tacos, baked potato, fries, you name it). 

And if you’ve never made a burger before, don’t be intimidated. It’s so much easier than you think. My biggest tip for you is to go big on the seasoning because the spices are what give it such an incredibly delicious flavor. Since it’s too cold right now to cook these on the grill I’m making them on a non-stick pan, which turned out excellent. 

My favorite way to serve this burger is to top it with shaved cucumber, avocado, a generous heap of feta cheese, fresh jalapeño and cilantro, thinly sliced shallots and of course, the cilantro-lime curry sauce. To complete this meal, serve with baked sweet potato fries and a side of curry sauce for dipping. 

Don’t forget to check out this Spotify playlist I’ve curated for your cooking experience. Make sure to tag #neuereveal so I can see your beautiful creations if you make this dish! Have fun in the kitchen xx



For the Burgers:

1 lb ground turkey thigh

1/2 yellow onion, finely diced & sautéed until soft & translucent

2-3 garlic cloves, minced

2 tsp dijon mustard

1/2 jalapeno, finely diced

1/4 cup fresh cilantro, chopped  

1 tsp La Boite Vadouvan N.28 spice blend (fenugreek, cumin, onion, garlic) or any curry blend

1/2 tsp ground turmeric 

1/8 tsp cayenne 

1/4 tsp pink himalayan sea salt 

Fresh cracked pepper

(Ghee or olive oil for cooking burgers)

Burger Toppings:

Shaved cucumber

Avocado, sliced thin

Feta cheese

Fresh cilantro

Fresh jalapeño 

1 shallot, sliced thin

Wrapped in blanched kale (two leaves per burger)

For the Curry Yogurt Sauce:

1 cup whole milk Greek yogurt

1 cup packed fresh cilantro

1 jalapeño, deseeded 

1 garlic clove 

Juice of 1/2 lime 

1/4 tsp cumin 

1/2 tsp curry 

Pink himalayan sea salt 

Fresh cracked pepper

Zest of 1/2 lime 



  1. In a bowl, use your hands to mix together turkey, cooked onion, garlic, dijon mustard, jalapeno, cilantro, spices, salt and pepper. 

  2. Form into burger patties and set aside while you make the yogurt sauce.  

  3. Add all the sauce ingredients in a food processor and mix until well-blended. Taste to see if you need any more salt or spices. 

  4. To blanch the kale, bring a large pot of water to a boil and add the kale along with a teaspoon of salt. Let boil for 2-3 minutes. Using tongs, gently grab the kale and immediately place in a bowl of ice water so it doesn’t continue cooking. Drain and squeeze out any excess water. Carefully unwrap the kale pieces so as not to break them into pieces and place one leaf on your plate. 

  5. Using a large pan, heat two teaspoons ghee or olive oil over medium-high heat. Once the oil is hot, place all 4 patties on the pan and cook until browned, about 4 minutes on each side or until a meat thermometer reads 165 degrees F. 

  6. To plate: add a generous layer of curry yogurt sauce over the kale leaf and place one turkey patty on top. Add another dollop of the sauce and top with cucumber, jalapeño, feta, shallots, cilantro, and avocado. Wrap another piece of kale on top. 

  7. Serve with zaatar fries and curry yogurt sauce for dipping. 
